A research programme led by Julian Allwood, Professor of Engineering and the Environment, aims to cut the UK’s emissions by 2050 by placing resource efficiency at the heart of future industrial strategy.
In a new report titled Absolute Zero, published today (Friday 29 November), by the UK Fires research collaboration, the authors reveal that the UK could meet its climate ambitions in the short term “with incremental changes in today’s technologies”. By focusing on technologies that can be deployed at scale within 30 years, Absolute Zero reveals a pathway for an industrial renaissance in the UK, delivering the materials, buildings, equipment and services compatible with zero emissions.
Read the full report.
About UK Fires
UK Fires is a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London. It is funded by the EPSRC (the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). UK Fires also involves a subscribing consortium of industrial partners who meet as a ‘Living Lab’ to pose strategic challenges to the academic investigators, receive and apply their analysis, and reflect on its value.
Find out more on the UK Fires website.