Dr. Jingyuan Xu, a postdoctoral research fellow from the Reacting Flows group led by Professor Simone Hochgreb, has been awarded the Carl von Linde IIR Young Researcher Award, the highest award for young researchers in the field of cryogenic engineering.
This award recognises Dr. Xu’s outstanding research achievements on novel cooling technology.
The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is the highest worldwide academic organisation in the fields of refrigeration. Carl von Linde IIR Young Researchers Award, named after the prestigious pioneer of cryogenic technology, was established by the IIR to reward outstanding young researchers under the ages of 35 in the domain of cryogenic engineering. Only one person receives this award every four years.
This award recognises Dr. Xu’s outstanding research achievements on novel cooling technology.
Dr. Xu joined Professor Hochgreb’s group in September 2018. Dr. Xu’s main research interest focuses on clean energy conversion based on thermoacoustic technology, which utilises thermal energy, such as waste heat or solar energy, to generate cooling, heating, and power.
Dr. Xu overcame key limitations of existing thermoacoustic devices and has achieved several breakthroughs:
(1) A novel heat-driven thermoacoustic cryocooler with the record highest energy efficiency
(2) A cascade thermoacoustic cryocooler capable of work recovery which achieved the highest efficiency
(3) An efficient thermoacoustic refrigerator for waste-heat recovery with low onset temperature.
Open access version: Study on a heat-driven thermoacoustic refrigerator for low-grade heat recovery
Open access version: A cascade-looped thermoacoustic driven cryocooler with different-diameter resonance tubes. Part: Experimental study and comparison
Dr. Xu’s research on thermoacoustic has led to several international prestigious awards. Before receiving IIR Young Researchers Award, Dr. Xu was awarded the Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award by the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee in 2018, and was selected to participate in the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in 2019.
More information about Dr. Xu’s research can be found on her homepages in Google Scholar and ResearchGate.
Professor Hochgreb's group investigates problems in energy conversion and reacting flows, with the aim of maximising efficiency and minimising harmful pollutant emissions. The main theme is to understand the physics of thermoacoustic and reacting flows in energy conversion devices, and the trade-offs in stability, efficiency, and emissions.