Help us to show off the varied world of engineering by entering your photos and videos into our annual Photography Competition, sponsored by ZEISS (Scanning electron microscopy division).
The competition is open to all Department staff, students and alumni. ZEISS has kindly donated the following prizes:
- 1st prize - ZEISS Conquest Binoculars
- 2nd prize - ZEISS Terra ED Binoculars
- 3rd prize - ZEISS Terra Pocket Binoculars
- Microscopy prize - ZEISS Touit 32mm lens for Sony E-Mount Camera
There is also a Head of Department cash prize of £300.
To be in with a chance of winning, please send us your eye-catching images and videos that relate to research or teaching in the Department or engineers out in the field. If you’ve captured something beautiful, fascinating, intriguing, amusing, or possibly all of these things, we want to see it.
The winning photographs will feature on the Department and University websites, newsletter (print and online), electronic screens, posters, social media and more.
Previous years' winners have received national and international press coverage for their photographs and videos.
A very high proportion of the entries will be used in a web gallery and throughout the Department website, giving acknowledgements wherever they are used.
The panel of judges include: Roberto Cipolla, Professor of Information Engineering, Allan McRobie, Professor of Structural Engineering, Professor Richard Prager, Head of Department and Philip Guildford, Director of Strategy and Operations.
The rules are as follows:
The deadline for entries is August 30, 2021.
Photographs must be submitted by email to photo-competition@eng.cam.ac.uk
Video can be sent using a free, large, file transfer service such as Dropbox.
The entrant must include the following statement in the text of the email: I have checked with my manager/supervisor/DoS __________________ that I have permission to enter the attached photograph(s)/video(s) in the competition and give the Department of Engineering the right to publish the photograph(s)/videos(s) on its website and elsewhere.
The entrant must also provide:
A title.
A description of the photograph/video, noting whether the photograph is a composite of several images or has been enhanced in any way.
Any due acknowledgements.
The following guidelines should be followed:
Ideally photographs should be of good print quality, but if it is available only as a web quality image then please still enter.
Make no assumptions about the photograph or video we are seeking, because the winning entries could be of a: microscopic feature, laboratory, project team, computer simulation, production line, robot, lecture theatre, engineers out in the field etc.
There is no limit to the number of photographs and videos that you may enter. If you are not certain whether your photograph/video will win or you are trying to choose between several possible entries, then please just enter them all and let the judges decide.