Alumnus Hal Evans has built a replica of a 1930s Polish cyclometer – an electromechanical cryptologic device that was designed to assist in the decryption of German Enigma ciphertext.
Dr. Jingyuan Xu, a postdoctoral research fellow, has been awarded the Carl von Linde IIR Young Researcher Award for young researchers in the field of cryogenic engineering.
Cambridge researchers are part of a project tasked with developing models, infrastructure and machine learning algorithms for capturing activity in London as the pandemic lockdown eases.
Cambridge engineers have begun a three-year research programme to help speed up the manufacture of metallic 3D printed parts and products, by using computer-generated holography.
Dr Michaël De Volder has been awarded funding of €2m from the European Research Council to manufacture Li-Ion batteries with enhanced energy and power density for use in electric vehicles.
Congratulations to Dr Stuart Scott, Reader in Sustainable Energy, for the award of a Pilkington Prize, the University’s highest recognition for outstanding contribution to teaching.
A team from Professor Mark Gales' Speech Research Group and the ALTA Institute recently took part in the INTERSPEECH 2020 Shared Task on Automatic Speech Recognition.
A Cambridge team are calling for urgent research into the striking differences in COVID-19 deaths they have discovered between the intensive care units of NHS trusts across England.
Research Associate Dr Didem Gurdur Broo writes for The Conversation on the need to embrace high-quality data gathering to avoid being left behind by the next industrial revolution.