Department of Engineering



 The first Robogals Cambridge event

Robogals Cambridge held their first outreach robotics workshop at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering.

Cambridge Robogals, a new chapter of the global non-profit outreach group Robogals, is dedicated to introducing young girls in the Cambridgeshire region to science, engineering, technology, and mathematics careers through robotics workshops and competitions.  Last month, in collaboration with the Department of Engineering’s outreach officer, Maria Kettle, they hosted 50 year nine girls from five schools in the Cambridgeshire region for a day of robot building, programming, and competition.

Not only did the event introduce girls to the field of robotics and programming, but also allowed them to interact with female engineers at levels ranging from undergraduate to senior fellow.  This exposure to female role models in the engineering field coupled with the fun, accessible way in which Robogals Cambridge presents engineering and technology projects makes Robogals a unique and effective outreach tool for encouraging girls to consider science based careers.  Robogals also benefits its volunteers, both male and female, by allowing them to develop their leadership and presentation skills, confidence, and professional networks.

The next Robogals Cambridge event will be on the 23rd of June as part of the Department of Engineering’s celebration of National Women in Engineering Day.  If you are interested in becoming involved with Robogals Cambridge as a volunteer, sponsor, or school participant, please contact Jenni Sidey (


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