Emeritus Staff
Academic Division: Information Engineering
Research group: Control
Email: jmm1@cam.ac.uk
Research interests
Professor Maciejowski’s main interest is in the control of dynamic systems using real-time optimisation. The framework used is model predictive control (MPC). Algorithmic developments are being pursued such as ‘Multiplexed MPC’ for fast computation with multi-input systems, and ‘Lasso-MPC’ for generating sparse controls when there are redundant actuators or when control is expensive. The combination of MPC with machine-learning methods is also being investigated, with a possible application being fault-tolerant control.
The solution of MPC problems on special-purpose hardware such as FPGAs and GPUs is an area of current interest.
Applications of MPC to problems of spacecraft control, flight control, air-traffic management, and energy reduction in paper-making have been studied in recent years. Application to industrial networks containing both generators and consumers of electrical and thermal power is a new area of investigation.
Strategic themes
Complex, resilient and intelligent systems
Modelling and control of poorly-understood systems, or well-understood systems operating in poorly-understood environments. Successful control despite faults or failures.
Research projects
- Control for energy and sustainability (co-investigator). Sponsor: EPSRC Programme Grant. 2009-2014.
- Autonomous behaviour and learning in an uncertain world (co-investigator). Sponsor: EPSRC. 2012-2017.
- RECONFIGURE: Fault-tolerant flight control. Sponsor: EU (FP7). 2013-2015.
- Integrated chemical and electrical system operation ‘ICESO’., part of the Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research in Energy Efficiency in Singapore. Sponsor: NRF Singapore. 2013-2018.
Research opportunities
Jan Maciejowski is not accepting any research students. Post-doc positions may become available in connection with the Singapore project until 2018.
Other positions
- President of Pembroke College, Cambridge
- Sub-panel member for the REF during 2014
Jan Maciejowski graduated from Sussex University in 1971 with a B.Sc degree in Automatic Control, and from Cambridge University in 1978 with a Ph.D degree in Control Engineering. From 1971 to 1974 he was a Systems Engineer with Marconi Space and Defence Systems Ltd, working mostly on attitude control of spacecraft and high-altitude balloon platforms. He was the President of the European Union Control Association from 2003 to 2005, and President of the Institute of Measurement and Control in 2002. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC), and of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).