Department of Engineering

Postgraduate Studies - Research students

Postgraduate Studies - Research students

We are always looking for bright PhD students to join us, since they form an essential component of our efforts in research, and have the option of contributing to undergraduate teaching, while we in turn hope to provide a unique research training environment.

Though the Division is made up of four research groups (Applied Mechanics, Biomechanics, Materials Engineering and Engineering Design), there is a good deal of overlap, especially in the sense of appropriate skills and motivation, so we suggest that you have a look through all the research group pages. They are a great resource to learn about our division, our members and their research interests, and the kinds of projects being carried out.

Although it is not necessary before applying, if you have doubts about whether your background is suitable for a particular PhD studentship or if you have questions about a specific research area, you are welcome to contact an appropriate faculty member directly.  

General information about applying, including the application forms and deadlines for graduate study, is available on the Postgraduate Admissions website. 

Further information is provided on the Department of Engineering's own Postgraduate Studies pages.

The following members of academic staff are accepting applications for research students to start in October 2025:

Applied Mechanics:  Dr John Biggins(2), Dr Tore Butlin(1), Dr Alice Cicirello(1)Prof Gabor Csanyi, Prof Hugh Hunt, Dr Xiaoxiang Na(2)Prof Ashwin Seshia(2), Dr James Talbot(1), Prof Garth Wells

Biomechanics:  Prof Vikram Deshpande(1)Prof Shery Huang(1), Prof Alexandre Kabla(2), Prof Athina Markaki(2), Dr Thierry Savin(2), Prof Michael Sutcliffe(1)

Engineering Design:  Dr Tom Bashford, Prof John Clarkson(2), Prof Nathan Crilly(1), Prof Jonathan Cullan (1)Dr Jerome Jarrett

Materials Engineering:  Prof Vikram Deshpande(1), Prof John Durrell(1), Dr Burigede Liu(1), Dr Graham McShane, Dr Matteo SeitaProf Michael Sutcliffe(1)

Note: (1) PhD only   (2) PhD and MPhil

New course

Healthcare Innovation: Engineering, Systems and Improvement (part-time - PgCert, PGDip, MSt)

The Department has just launched a part-time PgCert/PGDip/MSt postgraduate qualification in "Healthcare Innovation: Engineering, Systems and Improvement".

The aim of the programme is to provide knowledge and understanding of the healthcare system and the technologies applicable to this sector, giving students the expertise and skills needed to innovate successfully in healthcare.

The course is suitable for those with a background in medicine, engineering, or a related area. Students enrolling on the course qualify successively for a PGCert, PGDip and then MSt over three years.

The website for the course is now live at with course and application details.